Walt Disney Animation Studio’s 60th feature, Encanto, tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto.
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-Inspired By Disney’S Encanto. Relive Your Favorite Scenes And Story Moments
-Mirabel Madrigal’S Dress Features Authentic Film Details And Designs
-Includes Iconic Glasses, Pom-Pom Earrings, And Espadrille Shoes To Complete Mirabel’S Signature Look
-Doll Features Mirabel’S Gorgeous Curly Hairstyle From The Film For Added Play
Walt Disney Animation Studio’s 60th feature, Encanto, tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto.