Discover Disney and Pixar’s Lightyear. Stranded on an uncharted planet, Buzz Lightyear and his crewmates will need to battle hostile plants, giant bugs and the ultimate threat, Zurg, to complete their mission and return home. Let the ultimate conflict begin, with these posable action figures of Space Ranger Alpha Buzz and his primary foe, Zurg, both with battle damaged suits and armed for battle. Zurg towers menacingly at about twice the size of Buzz and has a swappable cannon arm with 3 projectiles. Buzz is ready to face off with him, armed with a Laser Blade DX and Crystallic Fuel Cell. If he needs backup from his team, he also has a Flare Emergency Rescue Pistol (FERP) at the ready. Designed for fans ages 4 years and older. Colors, dimensions and decorations may vary.