All aboard for new adventures with the Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Around Town Track Set. This Amazon Exclusive toy train set comes with 22 track pieces, a remote-controlled train, and fun Mickey Mouse-themed buildings and accessories. Preschoolers can pretend to help Mickey Mouse make deliveries around Hot Dog Hills. Spin the platform to choose a destination. Use the controller to move the train forward and backward. Deliver the piano to Goofy’s piano shop, and use the hook to hoist it up. Head to the post office and slide the mail into the cargo cart. Hear realistic train sounds and over 20 Mickey Mouse phrases, including “It’s time for a train ride!” The track pieces easily clip together to form 3 different layouts. Kids will love choosing and building their favorite. Disassembly is simple, so kids can experiment with all three. This Disney toy is perfect for little hands and big imaginations! Collect all the Disney Junior Mickey Mouse toy figures and playsets by Just Play. For kids ages 3 years and up. Requires 5 x AAA batteries (included).